Some handpicked pieces from my big pile of art
Rah and Apophsis
Personal piece depicting Egyptian sun god Rah and his Foe Apophsis the night serpent
Bus game concept
A concept art piece I made for a small indie game project in late 2021.
Lenda Murray
Muscle/anatomy/rendering practice painted with a photo of several time Ms. Olympia, Lenda Murray, as reference.
Fire Mage Designsheet
Character design work made for a stylized topdown fantasy project.
Steampunk Mask propdesign
A prop design made as a worktest for a company working within a fantasy property.
Goblin Portrait
"Mister Grepp Sticklegrum III, esquire, at your service, if I wasn't too rich and very important to deal with plebians!"
Lizard Minion Turnabout
Turnabout for a lizard character for a minor game project.
Lizard Minion Animation cycle
A qucik animation cycle for the lizard minion character.
Dwarven Peacekeeper
Concept of a dwarven guard with design notes.
Dwarven Miner
Concept of a dwarven miner with design notes.
Muscle study
Yet another anatomy study. Unfourtinately I do not know the name of my subject to credit him.
Squidgame study
The show Squidgame had a lot of wonderful light/colour composition, and I took some time to do some quick studies while watching it. This is one of the more stylized versions of it.
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